Saturday, February 23, 2008

Award: Blogging with a Purpose

Mary @ Notbefore7 has given me this blogging with a Purpose award for my commitment to Christ while blogging with a purpose through my Simple & Slow Fridays carnival! Wow, thank you, I'm honored!

The carnival is something new this year and I've only recently started sharing my faith through the ol' blawg. It peaked in a few times early on, but now I'm trying to be a little bolder in sharing.

My faith is part of what makes me, well... me - a HUGE part and I think it is important to share it, record it, and live it. (Not necessarily in that order...) And for those interested, Jeff and I are working together on a follow-up post to the Lent post - it has brought up some great discussions.

Now on to the awards!

Blogging With a Purpose Award Rules:

1. Awarded parties must nominate five people who have not received the award.

2. The blogs that receive the award must serve some purpose.

3. In their post about the award they need to link back to this entry.

4. Awarded parties must post the award banner on their site. The banner must remain linked to the above linked site.

And the winners are, in random order...

Redefining Sanity
- Lulu (mom to 3) records life with her children and if there is a better purpose than that, you let me know. :) She and I worshiped together when we lived in the same town. Now we're in different states. I love her perspective on faith and the bible. She is very knowledgeable and convicted, always ready to listen, and gives her opinion based on bible teachings - not a "standard" answer that she heard somewhere. I love her open-mind and thoughtful heart.

Happy at Home - Laurel (mom to 3 boys) was the one who gave me a copy of Mitten Strings for God which spurred me on to Simple & Slow Fridays. Her blog purpose is to live simply. I love going there for ideas and sometimes for a good step on the toes and a wake up call. She has a very strong faith; although we don't always agree, we always have good conversation. :)

A Quest for Relevance - (mom to 3 boys) I never know what I'm going to find at Beth's and I mean that in the best way! Some days it's deep, sometimes it's personal, and sometimes it's about knitting. She's really Givin' Knit Away on another blog! Swing by and wish her a Happy Birthday, too!

Mama of Boys
- (3 boys to be exact) - Tracy and I found each other somehow during the beginning of my dairy-free quest. She's on her own dietary quest with her middle child and the rest of the family, too. She homeschools her boys and provides some yummy recipes, too! I've even featured her Apple Muffins on my recipe blog! So good!!! I don't get over her way as much as I'd like, but it's always nice to know there is someone out there going through the whole dairy-free thing "with" me.

Coins in the Couch - Her sidebar reads: She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27. This is a relatively new blog and one that I've been perusing for only a short while. I thought I'd pass on some linky love (as well as the award) to her. She and I are on the same path to save money! CVS and Publix.... here we come! :)

There are a few others that I could have mentioned... it was a bit hard to narrow it down, but I have learned something from this award experience: I want to surround myself with more faith-building bloggers. There are lots of great reads out there, but I'd like to find more Christian bloggers, so I'm off to go check out Christian Women Online. Any other suggestions?

Thanks again, Mary, for the award!

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Tracy said...

I picked up my award:) I'm so giddy you just made my day! Thank you for nominating me! I enjoy reading your blog it's always so easy to relate to someone else with three boys. I love em' dearly:)

laurel said...

Wow, you have lots of blog friends with three boys! What fun! :)
Thank you very much for this award. It is very kind of you, and of course, if you hadn't already receieved it, I would definitely pass it on to you. :)
Really, I am very humbled and appreciative that you passed it on to me.

Super B's Mom said...

Congrats on your award! You deserve it - I enjoy your blog and it's a blessing to me.

Thank you for your well wishes on my blog. We could sure use prayer right now as we hope Super B's condition doesn't worsen into pneumonia.

God bless you!

Mama Fish said...

Hi Becky! Thank you for the award! It's been a somewhat busy and stressful weekend, so I have not had much time to sit, and reflect.... but I am mulling my thoughts little by little, as I think about what to post. In case that takes me a little while....I wanted to pop over here and thank you for naming me in this award! Many blessings! Jackie