For 3rd grade science, we were studying stimulus/response. This lead to a discussion of how each of our senses help us... which lead to a kindergarten lesson on our five senses. I love it when it all just pulls together like that!
The week prior, I pinned a
texture board on Pinterest which facilitated my idea of a Five Senses Board.

The far left column is TOUCH.
- feathers
- double-sided sticky tape
- both sides of velcro
- glass beads (flat side is hot glued to poster board)
- pom-poms
- foam shapes
The next column is SIGHT.
- Opaque (cut from a milk jug)
- Clear (cut from a blueberry carton)
- Pennies (dull/shiny)
- Foam pieces (plain, glittery, stripes, dots)
- Assorted colored pipe cleaners
- Sparly stars
The third column is SMELL.
- Vanilla bean
- Cocoa Nibs (lost their smell the first day) :(
- Cinnamon sticks
- Cloves
- (Added later: scratch 'n' sniff stickers)

The forth column is TASTE.
- Sour: I put sour gummy candies in... which don't last long!
- Bitter: cocoa powder
- Sweet: sugar (this is sucanat here)
- Salty: chunks of sea salt
Fifth column is HEARING:
- click pen
- rubber band "guitar"
- velcro
- (Later added large jingle bells)
The boys absolutely LOVE this board! Adults even enjoy it! :) Honestly, it's just hard not to interact with this board once you see it. It's a lot of fun and I'm so glad I had all this random stuff on hand to pull it together!
Here's Witt showing off the "Sweet" bag... his favorite, of course.
Here are the boys huddled around checking it out. Nathan (left) has removed the "Salty" bag that is attached with Velcro and Will is scratching the cinnamon.
Will getting a whiff of cinnamon and Witt (left) pointing out that the Sour bag is empty! LOL!