This week we discussed wants and needs, as well as where they come from to continue our study on the community. I liked Will's answers for where food, water, and clothing come from:
Food: Trees, garden, and the store
Water: A river, a big pond, the fridge
Clothing: A shirt store, needle & thread, and a laundromat
His top three wants were: a dishwasher, electric trains, and balls. Hmmm.... ok. :)
For PE, I started teaching the boys how to play kick ball. I set up bases and we rand around them several times so they learned the direction in which to run. We also practiced kicking a rolling ball. (Will did great, Nathan took to tiny little kicks while running - like soccer, and Witt was just excited to have his foot touch the ball! Too cute!) Then we tried to play a "game", which is not too easy when there are really only two players that have a clue about what's going on! LOL! It was still fun, though!
Speaking of PE, this was also our first week to gather with our church school. (In Alabama, you must either be a certified teacher or belong to a cover school "governed" by a church.)
Here are the K - 3rd grade kids during PE having a great time! Will is on the right hand side in the lime green shirt.
Here we are in History class, where his age group will be learning about the 7 Wonders of the World. (Note that he chose to sit at the table with two girls. :) )
They will also be having an art class. His ALL ABOUT ME poster was due the first day of class. His birthday is September 12th. He is 6 years old right now (the number of candles on the cake). To the left of the cake is a railroad crossing sign. To the right is a hand drawn picture of him skateboarding on a sidewalk. Below the sidewalk is a picture of a train and Wishbone the dog.
Here's everybody settling down getting ready for art class.

Our school days are held at a christian university. We have lunch in the cafeteria and chapel with the university students and professors. It was a really fun, busy day. I look forward to both of us making new friends. :)