I signed us up to participate in a 30 Days of Outside Play challenge.

Today's challenge is to list 30 outside activities we could enjoy in our own yard during the Spring,
Today's challenge is to list 30 outside activities we could enjoy in our own yard during the Spring,
so here goes:
chalk drawings
blowing bubbles
playing in our huge sandbox
reading on a blanket
climbing trees
water balloon fights
putting up a tent
catch with the dog
kick ball
bike riding
catching bugs
planting flowers
hop scotch
obstacle course (the boys LOVE WipeOut!)
find the constellations
roast hotdog & marshmallows over the firepit
freeze tag
scavenger hunt
lemonade stand
jump rope
hula hoop
make a rocket
geocaching (not in our backyard, but something we want to do!)
fly kites (maybe make our own, too!)
create a family sign
train the dogs
Whew. That was harder than I thought it would be. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for lots of outside play!