I must admit the past week has been a bit of a challenge. They each learn so differently. Will is more independent and driven by the clock and break-time; Nathan is pretty laid-back but will say he only likes math, and Witt is surprisingly quite the perfectionist (he gets upset when he doesn't do it as well as he wants to).
We are beginning our first year of Classical Conversations. I think this is going to suite each of the boys very well, but in different ways as well. Will loves facts and CC is a fact-memorizing giant! :) Nathan is extremely mechanical and hands-on, but he also extremely silly! He is really going to enjoy the hand-motion portion of the memorizing and I think he's going to be smitten with the science labs. Witt is my little social man... and my singer. He's going to love the songs and all the conversations!
Beyond CC, not too much has changed in our daily line-up of curriculum choices; however, we have had quite a successful addition this year: a personal journal! All three of them are loving it!!
Will writes about his day (facts & tangibles), and of course, he draws trains.
Nathan's journal is filled with "I wish" statements (my little dreamer!).
Witt, although he loves it, has trouble each day deciding what to draw because he wants to get it just right...note all the eraser marks! (Bless his sweet, little heart!)
I love these boys! Even though they sure can try my patience, I adore them. I am so blessed to have the opportunity of teaching them for another year.
This is such a nice blog to read! I love it, I was home-schooled for 16 years (UK) and enjoyed every moment of it! So it's really nice to read a blog about home-schooling children, very interesting and such a good read! If I ever have children, I know for sure I'm going to home educate :)
Keep it up!
Thank you for the encouragement, Natalie! I'm so glad you are enjoying Boys Rule My Life. Best wishes for your future. <3
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