Monday, December 1, 2008

No Allergy Test Today

Yesterday morning in the church nursery, Witt took another child's pacifier. The other little boy had just drank some milk before he was brought into the nursery. The nursery attendants weren't sure if he put it in his mouth or not, but gave him Benedryl to be on the safe side (rightfully so in my opinion). Because the Benedryl is still in his system, he wouldn't have accurate allergy testing today. Hopefully they will be able to schedule us in before the end of the year as we've already met our very large deductible for the year and these tests would not cost us a dime right now. [UPDATE: New testing date is December 9, 2008]

The way I'm looking at it is now we have more time to pray about it. :) So, here I am again, asking you to be persistent in prayer on Witt's behalf for an allergy free life. Please leave me a comment and let me know if you say a little prayer for him . I can't tell you how comforted I have been by the comments, emails, and cards I have received telling me that people are praying for him. Thank you all so much!

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laurel said...

That is a great perspective on this disappointing delay. I will continue to pray for Witt, as well as pray that they can get him in before the end of the month!

Hannah's Mom said...

How disappointing for you :( I will continue to pray for Witt, and for you, to accept whatever the results are.

Super B's Mom said...

Well Praise the Lord you got in!!

Autismland Penny said...

How awful for you! I will pray that you will be able to get in and that you will be able to accept whatever comes. I know how hard it can be to lead an allergy filled life with a child.

Tamara said...

I said a prayer for Witt's test and also a thank you prayer that he did not have a bad reaction yesterday. Sounds like you trained the nursery crew well!

Amy said...

Ugh, I can so relate. It's like holding your breath 'til the test date has come & gone.

But good point, another week to pray! :)

Unknown said...

Still praying, sweetie :-)

Laurie said...

Just discovered your blog. I really enjoy it. My son has allergies too. It is really tough. But I try to be grateful everyday for the good things, of which there are many. Sorry about your delayed allergy test. Been there, done that. It is disappointing. But as you say, more time ot pray!

Unknown said...

i am so sorry i have not checked in lately. hardly keeping my own blog afloat, much less reading others. i am so excited for you that the test is soon. praying for you. i know it's such an emotional time.

Unknown said...

are you just going in for skin test? have they taken blood ahead of time for blood test? miles passes milk on skin tests. but blood and live don't go well. praying for you!

Mouseymom said...

Hi there! Praying for your son's allergy test. My son is allergic to milk protein and we have had a crazy journey with it. thought he was healed... hen one week later he reacted to eating cheese. now its back. trying very hard to trust God through all of it. It has been very confusing to all of us. (including our allergist).

If you are interested in getting the Rast blood test done. I have just called the allergist a week before my appt and asked if i could do a Rast test so that the results would be in for my son's appt so that we could have all of the information present at the time of the appt. Your pediatrician can also order the test.

I know the trepidation that comes with the allergy tests.. barely wanting to hope for fear of let down, but hoping nonetheless! May His Peace be over all of your family!

Anonymous said...

I've been too busy to comment, but not too busy to pray. I trust you will see God's faithfulness throughout this (whatever the results).