Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can't Find Your Cup?

Will (age 6) and Jeff (the hubs) were having a conversation about vehicles and engines. Will said something about things coming out of the exhaust pipe and Jeff (as his normal pun-ny self) said, "Yes, then they would think that we were exhausted."

Will was quiet for a minute and replied just as straight-faced and serious with, "Was that... a joke?"

I busted out laughing because it was such an innocent question and yet hilarious at the same time... maybe you just had to be there. :) Will is really trying to figure out jokes and some of the ones he comes up with are doozies that just don't make sense at all, but he laughs and laughs.

Nathan (age 3) was wanting a drink. As usual, the first question I ask is, "Where's you cup?"

He replied with, "Caa fu cup"

I thought he was saying, "Can't find cup," while he was digging through the cupboard looking for one. He said, "No! Caa fu cup."

I repeated, "You can't find your cup?"

Again, "NO! Caa fu cup."

This time I really listened and I repeated, "Careful cup?"

Nathan, "Uh huh huh." ... always a second huh. :)

So then I asked, "What is a careful cup?"

He reached further in the cupboard and pulled out a non-sippy topped cup!

Yes, Nathan, that is a careful cup... be careful while you drink from it!


Another from Nathan that has been going on for a while: When he sees a tractor or a large truck, he says, "Papaw woo like." (Papaw would like!) Sometimes kids do know what they are talking about! :)

Witt (21 months) is "talking" up a storm. More words than I can list, but here are a few of the latest I can think of:

"how" - house

"mou" - mouse

"kaa" - cat

"baa" - box

"tuh" - truck

His most common words, however, are still "No!" and "Mine!" :) Bless his heart, with two older brothers he's learning to stick up for himself rather quickly!

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Kayris said...

Cute! I love the "careful cup." We call those "big girl cups" and lately Maureen has been saying, "No big girl cup! I don't like it!"

Anonymous said...

Careful cup. How cute!

Super B's Mom said...

OK....Careful Cup is the most precious thing I've ever heard!!!! Oh I just want to squeeze him!!

I've been meaning to tell you that your picture of little man drooling over the Dr. Pepper is HILARIOUS!

Amy said...

Those Nathan'isms sound so familiar! Between Gabe & Nathan, we could create our own language.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Love that he "knew" it was a joke of sorts. Must know his daddy and his puns :)

Happy TTT!