Friday, August 20, 2010

2nd Grade: First Co-op Day

Last year, I only took Will to our co-op days, but I've decided to bring all the boys this year! Whew. :)

For the first day of our co-op meeting, Preschool - 3rd grade met together as a class (these were later split into two classes of preschool and K-3). Here's the large class getting ready to warm up for PE.

Although it was a really pretty day, the ground was wet with lots of dew so they met inside the gym for a good bit of the class, but were able to go outside to enjoy the parachute! The kids love this!

After PE, the kids go inside for American History. (Last year the history class covered the Seven Wonders of the World.) There is a different homeschool mom at each meeting leading the history class on her assigned topic.

After history, we all meet in the auditorium for chapel. Here are the boys in the auditorium and Will being a helpful big brother. :)

After chapel, we eat lunch and then have the final class of the day where they are learning all the names of Jesus and what they mean. They are also learning songs about Jesus in sign language and working on a lapbook. Today they asked the kids to work on a poster with the different names given to Jesus and of course, Will had to incorporate a train! :)

After school there are club meetings. The clubs we are participating in this year are 4H, Book Club, and Contenders for the Faith. I am also in charge of the yearbook this year and Will is helping me take pictures. :)

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