Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Weight Loss - Want to Join Me?

I've been thinking that I'm gonna need some help in losing this baby weight. Here's what I'm proposing...

Let's create a blog for losing weight. We'll share the password and only allow those that are doing the weight loss challenge to be able to view it (so it will be a private blog).

We can post weight loss tickers for each of us on the blog. You wouldn't be posting your actual weight - just the amount of weight you want to lose.

We would each post what we ate for the day (making us keep track of our calories/points and being accountable to everyone else while also giving suggestions for food choices at the same time - who wants a salad everyday, ya know?)

We could also post how much exercise we're doing and what kind we like, etc.

And of course supportive notes and thoughts. I think this could be fun!

Anyone interested? Got other ideas as well? If there is even one other person really interested in doing a private weight loss blog with me, I'll create it. All you'll need to do is post (and support me! LOL!)

Invite your friends to join us too! I'll just need an email address to invite you to join the blog.


laurel said...

That is an amazingly fabulous idea!!! Count me in!!

Deb W said...

This sounds like a great idea.... I am getting frustrated out here on my own....