Monday, January 12, 2009

JINXED myself

Well, I thought things were going smoothly and then Will comes home from school with two cards pulled... landing him on RED! Not good. Then he pitched a couple fits for me, outright disobeyed and ended up sitting on his bed until his dad got home because I was DONE with him.

Proverbs 15:18
A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel.

Just so we're clear... I was the hot-tempered one; Jeff calmed the quarrel. I love that man!

Note to self: Each day is it's own. Take one day at a time, start over with a happy heart tomorrow, and practice patience!

I don't know if Will just didn't sleep well or what. There is also the fact that since his regular kindergarten teacher is out on leave {please pray from Mrs. P!} and that this is the third substitute teacher in two months. This should be the last substitue until Mrs. P returns, though. I look forward to some stability for Will and the other children.

I know it's hard on them, but it is still good for him to learn to obey ALL of his teachers. We'll keep working on it.

He's such a sweet boy and I love him dearly! I guess we're all entitled to have our bad days.

Tomorrow will be better! :)

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1 comment:

My name is Dianna said...

Our kindergartener is a bit challenged this year too. Her aunt is her teacher, so she is really pushing on all those fenceposts....I will pray for Will each morning while I am praying over Molly.
Being little is just sooo hard!