Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Go Flip a Rock

Saw this over on Unplug Your Kids... who got it from Wanderin' Weeta.

On September 20th take your kids outside, choose a rock to flip, then:

1) Record what you find. “Any and all forms of documentation are welcome: still photos, video, sketches, prose, or poetry.”

2) Replace the rock as you found it; it’s someone’s home. But if there are critters underneath, move them to the side before you replace the rock and let them scurry back. You don’t want to squash anyone.

3) Post on your blog, or load your photos to the International Rock Flipping Day Flickr group.

4) Send a link to Susannah at Wanderin’ Weeta. Her e-mail address is in her profile.

5) Susannah will collect the links, e-mail participants the list, and post it for any and all to copy to their own blogs.

6) She also says: “Maybe we can Tweet it, too, this year. Use the hashtag #rockflip.”

(All instructions are from Wanderin’ Weeta’s blog – edited slightly by UnplugYourKids and then copied by me... 'cause I'm lazy today.)

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1 comment:

Susannah Anderson said...

Thanks for the link! See you the 20th!