Friday, November 6, 2009

Nathan is FOUR!!!

As you will see our birthday boy, Nathan, has a fondness for a certain green and yellow tractor. :)

I made the cake and decorated it, too. I'm not bragging, but he loved it. :)

We just had family over, but we all had a great time! Gran, Papaw, Aunt Debbie, Great Grandmother, and Great Grandaddy all came to party with the Birthday Boy!

He looks pretty comfortable here on Papaw's lap, right?

Well, I promise you that expression changed when someone said, "Birthday Spankings!" (He didn't get any, of course!)



Tractor 1 and 2:

Daddy made special John De.ere wrapping paper!

Trailer 1:

Trailer 2:

Can you guess what the last gift might be? ;)

He also got money from Aunt Debbie and Aunt Deborah! He has JD pillowcases and a JD flat sheet on the way from Nana and Grampa (my folks in Washington state).

I'd say he had a Deere of a birthday!

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Jessica said...

Yay! The cake looks great.

And it looks like he had such a great time.

Happy Birthday Nathan!!!

Nowheymama said...

That's Eli's kind of party! Happy Birthday!

Kayris said...

I love the tractor stuff! My 5 year old is all about John Deere too, which is hysterical because we live in the city! He even has a tractor book (not a kid's book, an actual book about John Deere tractors and the history) and he looks through it often and picks out the tractors he wants to get eventually.

Happy Birthday to your big boy!!

Andrea said...

Looks like the cake turned out! Funny how much boys like tractors! But in our house we wouldn't be caught dead with a GREEN one - cuz uncle Steve (a dairy farmer) fixes and uses only Case tractors! Ours are all orange or red - lol!
Glad he had fun!