I've scrambled eggs, I've sunny-side-uped 'em, I've over-mediumed 'em, I've hard boiled them... I've even green eggs and hammed them! I finally got a very, very small amount in him by putting them in fried rice.
At least I know that he can have them baked in, as that is where the most exposure will probably come in and I know that even if he's offered straight eggs, he won't touch them! LOL! So for now, it's all good.
We'll do a home test for peanut after he is three in May.
Now, even though he is doing beautifully and hasn't had any reactions to speak of, milk is still the first thing that crosses my mind when someone mentions an outing with food. Granted, the response time to that thought is decreasing. It is becoming *a little* easier to bypass that thought; however, I do still watch him when I know he's been given a significant amount of dairy. and I do still carry Benedryl and an epi-pen in my purse.
However, I must admit that I finally had a breakthrough this past Wednesday night. Our congregation was having a pizza dinner before Wednesday night bible study and we joined them. (Of course, we would never have gone before and then I would have verified that all the kids in Witt's class that did eat pizza had washed their hands.)
Joining them for pizza was not the breakthrough. The breakthrough came when I realized Witt had been running around playing for a good 10 minutes with all the cheese pizza eating kids and I hadn't given it a seconds thought.
He was having a good time. He was laughing, giggling, running, and tumbling all over the cheese pizza eating kids. And he was safe.
My baby was SAFE! :)

This is the stuff my dreams have been made of for the last couple of years! For my child to eat a piece of pizza or a chocolate chip cookie dunked in milk, to play with other children and not worry what's on their hands... simply put, for him to be just another kid.
Part of me doesn't want to post things like this because my heart still goes out to all the other allergy moms that dream of the same things. I want to be thankful and grateful without being disrespectful.
I don't know why God blessed us with the removal of Witt's allergies. I'm just so thankful that he did.