This parenting thing has not been too easy lately. Whew. Will has been misbehaving in school and Nathan is coming up on the Terrible Threes (the 3s are much worse than the 2s in my opinion!). To top it off, Witt's teething and has slept through the night twice in about 10 days (so that means I'm not sleeping either...)
Anyway...Will's school has a system of pulling cards when children misbehave. If I understand it correctly this is how it works: Everyone starts on a green card at the beginning of the day. If they misbehave, a warning is given. Then after that the cards start to get pulled. The card after green is yellow, then orange and then red. Orange includes a note sent home from the teacher. Red includes a phone call from the teacher. Every day the child stays on green they get a hole punch in a different card. Once there are 5 punches, they get to go to the treasure box.
Will has been in school a total of 11 days and only has 4 punches on his card. You can do the math - there is lots of misbehavin' going on. Two days ago he got up from his chair and went to cut a little girl's hair instead of doing his art work. Yesterday he licked the inside of the bucket that holds their cartons of milk on ice. He won't keep his mouth shut or keep his hands to himself. I feel like the mom with the "bad kid", but he's not a bad kid. I just don't know how to help him make better choices.
His teacher is great. Last night was Open House and she allowed me to talk with her about Will even though it was mostly a night for the kids to show off what they've been doing. (Side note: I didn't realize it was a night to bring Will; I was by myself.) So while all the other kids were showing their parents around the room, I was talking with Mrs. P about Will. In fact, when I walked in she greeted me with a smile and "How are you?". I almost welled up in tears to that question. I'm really not doing all that great (see first paragraph...). To add to it all, I feel like I'm letting her down because she has to deal with his misbehavior and I've let Will down by not training him correctly to be more obedient (and quiet).
I don't want to be a super strict mom (which I'm not) nor do I want to be a lazy walk-all-over-me type of mom either (which I'm not). I want to be the mom that does the right thing. That disciplines correctly. That says the right thing at the right time in the right way. I want to be the mom with the child that behaves and obeys the
first time. And the parenting I've been doing, well, I guess it's not really producing the fruit I had hoped it would.
Will and I have talked every day on the way to school what he needs to do and then each day I pick him up to hear, "Sorry, Mom, I'll do better tomorrow." It's very disappointing.
We are talking
so much about how he needs to behave that this morning when I came and sat down next to him, his first words were, "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" He knew something was coming and he was right. We went over AGAIN that when he's in school he needs to sit & stay, zip his lips, and obey. Obviously we're talking about this a lot, but
talking is not helping him make good choices.
So, what to do? How strict to get? What form of discipline to use? We've got some decisions to make and some
action to take. Something more than a time out, nose in the corner, or occasional spanking. I think the only thing we haven't tried is taking something away. What's going to hit him the hardest is to loose his
trains. I don't look forward to that meltdown.
I know this is a personal decision for each family, but what works for you? If you don't want to leave it in the comments, please feel free to email me... I'm looking for suggestions!!!