Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More Witt's Words and It Looked Good to Charlene

Darego or Daregar - "There it is" or "There you are" when we ask where something/someone is

Shar - share

Come - Says it when he's coming

Fly - fly

Bee - Bee

Bufly - butterfly

Farrr - farm (signs it, too!)

Can - candy

Fow - flower

Sar - Dinosaur (which he really starting to show an interest in!! I am so excited! Always wanted a little boy excited about dinos!)

Col - color (LOVES to color!! Another first! The other boys could care less about coloring)


Nathan loves to watch videos on youtube about John Deere tractors. He's obviously watching this one a lot because I heard him singing, "Looked good to Charlene" HAHAHAHA!

(I'm thankful he can't read the comments or description, though! Anyone know if it's possible to remove the comment section on youtube?)

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1 comment:

Super B's Mom said...

I haven't heard that song in forever!! haha Witt is so precious...I love all his little sayings!