Labor Day weekend we went out to my in-laws lake house. Will, Jeff, and a few others went down to the dock to fish. Later, Jeff's aunt came back up to the house and relayed a message:
Will wanted to swim. (He was told it was too cold, muddy, and murky .)
He wondered out loud about how deep it was. (He was told about 40 feet... and explained to that that meant almost 7 times his daddy's height.)
He assured everyone that he knew how to swim. (Which he can't. He's always worn floats.)
Some time later I hear that Will needs a dry set of clothes. (Which I had, luckily.)
As I understand the story, Jeff was baiting a hook on the dock. Will was walking around him and decided to walk around with his eyes closed (which to me is just a good excuse to fall in) . Sure enough,
Will goes straight underwater... with rain boots on! (Yes, my boys where their boots everywhere!) Luckily, Jeff was able to grab him before he sunk out of sight.
We explained again to him that he doesn't know how to swim without floats. We explained that if he ever finds himself underwater again with boots on to kick them off and not worry about them. We also explained that walking around water with your eyes closed is not a good idea. Ever.
Will was fine with all that explaining, except that
he still thought he could swim.
SO... two days later, we went to a friend's pool to swim. I wanted Will to understand that he really can't swim yet. I also wanted us to have a fun family day while Jeff was in town. Both were happily accomplished. :)
Here are the boys all suited up. Nathan and Witt have float suits on; Will doesn't. :)

The water was COLD at first, but once we got in and moved around it was great!
Here's Will going down the slide and Witt ready to follow his big brother!

Witt had so much fun kicking!

Wondering where Nathan has been all this time???

He finally ventured off into the water and had a ball! "Me simming! Me simming!" LOL!

Will finally admitted that he couldn't swim and asked if he could put his float suit on. Swimming sure is a lot less work with floats and it sure does take a lot of pressure off the adults in the pool, too! :)
Jeff took over 400 pictures that day! Here are a few...

I got to take a few, too... :)

We all had a really great time! Next year, I'm looking into swimming lessons, though. :)