This week's topic for posting is Secret Places.
One of my secret places was shared with a friend. She had horses and sometimes her parents would take us along to check on them. There was an old barn there that we claimed. We made big plans when we discovered it. On the next trip to check the horses, we brought paper towels to clean up the area a bit, toilet paper for the area we deemed the bathroom (but never used, just so ya know!), we brought lunch meat for a snack and some books. We made rules and regulations. It was "ours".
Another secret place that holds a dear memory for me is in the summers that my dad would put the tent up in our yard. I'd bring stacks of my library books in there and read all day. I'd open the tent windows and watch the activity around the neighborhood - as far as I could tell, I was invisible to all. When the tent wasn't up, I would spend time in my bedroom window sill with books or paper and pencil, writing and doodling.
I even remember from when I was really young, a cubby-hole at the top of my grandparent's steps. Inside were lots of toys - I remember the Lincoln Logs well! It was always great to run up the steps and just start playing. I always felt like I had made a great discovery when I played in that little "hole".
When Will was little, I made him a secret place in his closet. I included a blanket, pillow, and toys that would light up in the dark if he ever chose to shut the door. Now he is starting to make his own secret places. Even though we have a HUGE sandbox right outside the back door of the house that the boys love to play in, I think he prefers his little place that is out of direct sight.

At the back of our yard, behind the shop and along the fence is his favorite place to dig. I try to allow him that space with only the occasional check-in. Obviously Nathan is enjoying Will's secret place, too ...

I'm sure we'll have many more secret places amongst our boys; it's going to be a fun time watching them grow and explore! :)
Will you share your secret places with me? Link up your posts below:
You'll find next Friday's topic for discussion (Wants and Needs) here.