Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bottled Memories

Image from flickr
I've been blogging for a few months now and have found that I really enjoy it. I've been giving some thought to my blog as to why I do it and what I want to accomplish with it. I continue to come up with that it is a great way to record my family. It's a way to "bottle" those special thoughts and moments of day to day life.

I have scrapbooks that I work on when I have the time for the same reason, but blogging is so much faster. I've recorded so much already in my blog and I'm so behind in all of my scrapbooks (and haven't even started Witt's). I can quickly get a blog written, search for a picture, change my font or color easily, and there you have it: pretty bottled memories.

I had been thinking about printing out my blog so I would have a hard copy of it when I ran across this at Take 90 West (a blog I drop in on). There is already a way to turn my blog into a bound book! I'm so excited. Each year, I can "slurp" my blog and have it made into a book. I can see my shelves lined with books back to back: Boys Rule My Life 2007, 2008, 2009, etc. A library of our memories in ink forever to share. Go ahead, say it: "Awwwww, how sweet - what a sap!" :)

Seriously, though. There is so much I have meant to write down in baby books that I just never got to. Little quips from inside the kids brains. This blog is going to help me keep up with all of my precious little memories.

With all that said, you'll probably be noticing lots of little random posts from our daily life from now on. I'll still do all the other random stuff I normally do, as this blog is also a way to help me be accountable for things, make new friends out in the big blog world, and generally just have fun and be a little creative from time to time. Overall though, I'm going to be more intentional about recording the things that matter to me.

I hope you enjoy the journey in which Boys Rule My Life!


Deb W said...

I think that is very cool... that you can bind these blogs into a book! As I read what you write, I find myself intrigued by the way you put your words together. I think you have a great talent in writing. Since you are enjoying it so much, I think this is going to serve many purposes for you and your family - recording the memories you hold so dear.... great job!!!!!

Think of me tomorrow afternoon beginning at 1, please. My surgery was moved up and begins at 1 pm.

Lisa said...

Yous Guys are a very cute family! I love little boys...they are so fun!
I totally agree with your post. I try to record the day to day because it is much more convenient than my scrapbooks, but I also let myself blog about me and what's going on in my brain too, as it will be a great way for my kids to know about me when I was younger.
I am so glad that others think it's a good idea to bind the old really will be a great keepsake...and MUCH more current than any of my scrapbooks!

And the picture of me? Taken last weekend.
I was born in 1974, and no...I did not have kids at 14...I was 25 when I had my first! But thank you for you kind words.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so much easier to blog than to write in a journal for example? I find the same thing. I have thought about "slurping" my blog too, but I don't write much about personal matters. For you though, it is definitely something you should do!

Anonymous said...

I feel you. I, too, have a hard time keeping a detailed baby book but I love to blog. I am still a rookie with only a few weeks under my belt. So far, so good. You have a gift of verbiage, a linguistical talent. Keep up the great blog. I love it!