Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Who are "They"?

Just who are "they"? The ones who tell us what is right/wrong, high/low, in/out. Who are these experts that give us all these guidelines and where do these guidelines come from? Who came up with 5 fruits/veggies in a day? Why isn't it 6 or 4? Who decided what number makes your cholesterol high or low? And who made the rules on how much a baby should be sleeping/eating/pooping?

Where is this coming from you ask? Am I way out in left field? (Why couldn't it be right field?) LOL!

Well, I had a recent checkup and apparently my iron is low. Not a big deal I know, but it got me thinking and I did a bit of research on the internet to find that most women have low iron. And then my brain went further and thought "If most women have low iron, how do we know it's low? How did they come up with the average number if most women have low iron? Maybe it's more normal to have a "lower" iron count. Who decided what is high or low for iron? Did they do a study on women with exceptional diets (eat their 5 veggies/fruits a day) and take their iron count to be the norm?"

So, yes, my brain went kind of into random thinking zone today! I was up 3 times last night between 2 and 7... I'm tired. (Or maybe it's the low iron count... hahaha!!!)

1 comment:

Deb W said...

It is too late in the evening for me to try to tackle this. But, you are not really looking for an answer to your questions, I don't believe. I think you just want to know who "they" are. That I do not know. "They" creep into everyone's conversations and we all act like we know who we are talking about, yet none of us know who "they" really are. Still "they" are apparently a group of intelligent forces, as "they" seem to know just about everything!