[FYI: This is an especially long post as I have told you ALL about my Saturday with Jeff and Witt.]
So this is the weekend Witt learns to sleep. Here's how it went...
This past week I have been gradually teaching him by putting him in his crib before he is fully asleep and letting him "fuss" just a bit. Also, after feeding him in the middle of the night I've been putting him on his back instead of his belly. (He's not used to sleeping on his back and I don't want to leave him to fuss while on his belly.) By Thursday night he was doing fairly well, so I had high hopes for Friday night.
Friday, Grandmother came to get the oldest boys for the weekend so they wouldn't have to endure the crying with us. HOWEVER... Friday night really went well! (No, I'm not
saying it out loud.) Around 7:45PM, it was past bedtime. So, we did pajamas, a clean diaper, and turned out the lights. I "jiggled" him a bit as I normally do but for a shorter period of time, put him down on his back awake, said good night and left the room. He started crying. I gave him a minute, went back in and picked him up to make sure he didn't have a burp. I patted and patted. No burp. I put him back in the crib and left the room. He cried... for 5 minutes. Jeff and I went to sleep around 8:30 in case it was to be a rough night. He slept... until 5:00 AM!!! I went in, nursed him, burped him, and put him back in his crib awake. Not one peep! I was in his room for a total of 12 minutes! We didn't hear from him again until 8:00 - cooing to himself. Jeff and I got more sleep last night than either of us have in the last year! Ironic, huh?!
Saturday was a great day. We got up and went to IHOP for breakfast. With only one child that doesn't do a lot of interrupting it was great to have conversation with my hubby!! I didn't have to share my food, cut up food, catch flying straw wrappers, pick up forks off the floor, wipe milk off a shirt, or tell anyone to sit down. It was a wonderful vacation breakfast for me!
After breakfast, it was time for Witt's nap. He is usually only awake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours in between naps and it was time. The plan for naps was that he would stay in his crib for at least 1 hour. So, I changed his diaper, jiggled him, and laid him on his back. He cried... for 5 minutes. He slept... for 1 hour (15 minutes more than usual). During his nap, Jeff washed the truck and vacuumed it. I did two days worth of dishes and cleared most of the table... ugh. (I've let my normal chores go since I have been decluttering.)
After his nap, we went to the Farmer's Market. We bought purple hull peas, muskedimes (spelling??), spicy pickled eggs (yuck), and pickled okra (yum). Then Jeff suggested a little coffee cafe for lunch, but Witt was falling asleep in his car seat so we headed home. We left him in his seat when we got home. He slept for 45 minutes (normal). During that time I took a long, hot shower using all the
Body Shop products I could! I never have time for a nice relaxing, pampering shower any more (I wonder why?). I don't know what Jeff did. When I got out Witt was awake cooing at Jeff.
I dried my hair, got ready and off we went to the coffee cafe downtown. All the tables were full, so we
had to sit outside (darn!). What a beautiful day. We had Witt in the stroller and pushed him right up to the table. Nice breeze, cars going by, people walking in and out of the cafe, adult conversation, and a turkey panini in my hand, a southwestern wrap in Jeff's. We got iced coffees for the ride home. Witt fell asleep on the way.
This time I thought I'd take him out of the car seat and put him in his crib. Not a problem. He went straight to sleep. 45 minute nap. Jeff and I snoozed as well.
After this nap, Jeff went to Lowes to get some supplies for a shelf he needed for work. I hired some babysitters for Witt so I could work on straightening out the wires behind my desk. They took him outside in the fresh air.

I paid them one milk bone each. Well worth it! ;o)
Time for another nap... Clean diaper, turn out lights, jiggle, cry... 3 minutes, sleep... 45 minutes, cry... 12 minutes. I piddle on the computer and write this blog during his nap. Jeff's outside with the saw making shelves.
After I get Witt up, I take him outside to Jeff so I can start supper. I (attempt) to put him in the little tent again, but apparently he didn't like it so much this time as both Jeff and Witt end up in the kitchen about 10 minutes later.
Witt fusses and fusses. Jeff consoles and makes silly faces. I frantically try to time supper correctly so everything is hot at the same time. May I suggest not cooking too many new things at once; switching between recipes gets a little rough - especially when frying for only the 3rd time in my life! (Frying could be another whole blog post for me!) Supper turned out very well, though. We had the chicken parmesan meal listed to the right under "What's Cookin' at my House". Jeff even went back for seconds, which is always a compliment! :) [Just for added effects: During supper we found out what he was fussing about when we were serenaded by the makings of a dirty diaper...]
Shortly after supper it's time for a bath, pajamas, kisses for Witt, a jiggle and in bed for him. Tonight I set up the camera that "sees" in the dark. I'm watching him on the tv right now. He cried for about 10 minutes on and off and now ladies and gentlemen, we've got a thumb sucker on our hands! I thought we might and now I have proof! Right now I'm ok with the thumb sucking. I sucked my thumb. I think I stopped around age 4 when my parents put Tabasco sauce on my thumb.
Anyway, he's been in his crib for about 20 minutes now, quiet for the last 10. Eyes are closing. Time for bed. I think we're going to hit the sack early tonight as well. Catch up on some more sleep before the big brothers return. zzzzzzz............