Thursday, December 20, 2007

Saving Money with Frozen Buns

Just an update and yet another plug for Crunchy Chicken... We used half as much electricity as compared to last year at this time! Half, people... HALF!! WoW! And there were two more days in this cycle than last year's. Amazing how lowering the thermostat just a little can save some major money! Good thing because I spent too much on what was supposed to be a small Christmas. Shh... don't tell! :)


Crunchy Chicken said...

Nice work!

My name is Dianna said...

I am impressed, way to go...although, I think that my heat has kicked on may 10 times this whole 'cold' season...
Last week after church,it was so warm, Julianna asked to go the lake so we could swim and the azaleas are starting to bloom--it's only 4 months too early...that's Augusta, Ga for ya...