Monday, November 19, 2007

One Full Week Dairy Free

Five? What? There are seven days in a week. Ahh, yes, but I lost 5 pounds in those 7 days! Woohoo! I'm loving Dairy Free even more now! LOL! Honestly in the first few days I didn't know what to eat so barely ate anything except fruits, veggies, and a bit of plain meat. I will admit, too, that on about day 3, I started feeling very hungry - not because of lack of food, but I think morebecause of the lack of dairy fat. (Ever go on a fat-free diet and feel hungry even after you just ate a big meal? It was like that.) The hungry feeling subsided around day 5, I guess. I also must tell you that I feel pretty good! My body feels "cleaner". I do have more energy and just "feel" better. That's the only way I can explain it. (Plus who wouldn't feel good about dropping an extra 5 pounds?!! Only 12 more to go to my pre-babies weight!)

At some point this past week I got productive and removed all the items from my fridge and pantry that contained dairy. Here are the items from the pantry. The church food closet just got stocked! The cold items went across the street to the neighbors.There are a few things we will be keeping for the older boys, though. Nathan LOVES LOVES LOVES cheese! We'll keep some string cheese on hand for him, as it is his favorite snack. Will likes sausage for breakfast and he's very picky about it. We'll keep that for him. We'll go butter free on the popcorn and add our own dairy free margarine and the Ramen noodles are also a big hit with the boys for a quick snack. So, we're not 100% dairy free, but we're close. Witt won't be near those foods for a while anyway.

Also, after some more research on what to buy, I went grocery shopping for what seemed like forever; I was an avid label reader. Now we've got a kitchen full of good choices, I've planned this week's menu, and we're ready to try some new eats. Hopefully this week will go well with all the new foods.


laurel said...

Wow!! 5 pounds lost, that's great! You sound pretty cheerful about the whole "no dairy" thing, so I hope it is going well for you. I have been out of town all last week, so I haven't been commenting. :)

Lisa said...

Congrats on the 5 lbs! woo hoo!
At least you get something from giving up all those dairy foods!

Melissa said...

I lost a ton of weight when I had to go dairy free for breastfeeding too - who knew?!!

Do you have a Bi-Lo near you or a store that sells the Full Circle brand? The Full Circle plain popcorn is out of this world.

Our house is not always completely dairy free either. My husband loves ice cream and occasionally I do fix a cheesy dish and either serve Hannah something else or serve her the dish minus the cheese.