Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Not exactly Tiny "Talk", but insight into a two-year-old's thoughts: After getting the Christmas tree up and the lights turned on, Nathan grabbed one of the small light bulbs and started blowing on it, trying to get it to go out. He recently had his 2nd birthday and must have correlated the candles with the lights. It was sooo funny!

Will, age 5: What is today, Mommy?
Me: Today is Sunday.
Will: But I want today to be yesterday.
Me: Well, today will be yesterday tomorrow.

I'm still not exactly sure what he was asking, but then again, he's still probably not sure exactly what I was telling... because I'm not exactly sure... too confusing! :)


Jennifer@DoingTheNextThing said...

Thanks for visiting last week! Your boys are adorable... I just love watching a 2 year old's brain work - the wheels are always turning, aren't they?

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Love the lights on the tree as candles - how cute!

Well, enjoy your "today" when it comes tomorrow!