Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Dis" or "Ding"

has been using a few new "big" words this week. The most common is "cooperating"...

"Is anybody cooperating with me?!!"

Another was "disregard".

He said something that really didn't make much sense and then followed it with:

"Disregard that thought." And off he went...

A new song from school (sung to "Frere Jacques")

R-E-D Red
R-E-D Red
That spells red
That spells red
Firetrucks are red
Stop signs are, too

Witt... this is the first time I've included Witt on TTT. He's not talking, but doing something very interesting that I just don't quite get. He's still nursing and this past week he'll take a break from nursing to suck his thumb. What's up with that?! :) I think it's close to weaning time.

Witt has also recently pulled to standing... in a laundry basket. I start early on teaching laundering skills! :)

Oh, an plenty of slobbering going on, too!

Nathan: It's either "dis" or "ding" around here. "Dis" if he wants "this".

And a "ding" is for every time he accomplishes something.

shut the door... "ding"
turn on the light... "ding"
pull off a sock... "ding"
hop off the chair..."ding"
click his seatbelt... "ding"
tear a piece of paper..."ding"
crash a tractor into the wall..."ding"

We've got a lot of "dinging" going on here at my house because he's into EVERYTHING! Typical two year old!

Visit NotBefore7 for more Tiny Talk!

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Sincerely Anna said...

The "ding" thing reminds me of my son at 2 - except he said "digga digga" for everything. It was such a funny stage.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Just disregard this comment ;)

That is cute. I love when they use big words!