Monday, January 7, 2008

My Boys are Growing Up

Well, my boys are growing up. To begin with, Will saw his first dead deer this past weekend. Jeff's cousin shot one and all the "men-folk" went to go see the prize. Will went along, too. I asked him what he thought about it upon returning and he said, "Fine". (His standard answer to everything that requires his thoughts - what a little man!) However, he did add in a little bit more information that I wasn't expecting: "I want to see it alive and then watch it fall and kick." Ummm... no. Apparently he overheard the story of the hunt. In the end, his experience with the dead deer was neither bad nor terribly exciting. I'm ok with that.

I'm new to all this deer hunting and how much to involve kids in it. Jeff was the first hunter I dated. In fact, the first dead deer I saw was killed by Jeff. (For those of you that don't know, if it isn't obvious by now... I was not raised in the country. I was raised in the city and in the suburbs. Nothing against the country; I love it. I'm just still learning "the country way". LOL!)

Tonight, Jeff took Will to an outdoor sportsman store to trade in one of his guns. I didn't mind Will going because, to be truthful, I really wanted to have one less child on my hands for a while. Nothing exciting happened at the shop though as it was closed upon arrived. But still, I let my baby go to a gun shop! I think I'm doing pretty well for a city girl watching her 5-year-old-baby learn about hunting and guns and death. (I think...)

On a MUCH lighter note, Witt graduated to the big tub tonight and Nathan got to be the wash-er instead of the wash-ee. (Will is always trying to wash Nathan when they bathe together.)

[Where else but in my brain does dead deer and two boys in a tub belong in the same post??? I DO realize the craziness of it, just so ya know...]

*crying whiny voice*
My babies are growing up!


Nicole said...

I just saw your comments at mmtasty! I didn't even check to see if anyone commented because I never get comments (I have only been blogging for a couple of months and my local friends have commented once or twice but mostly out of pity I think). Thank you so much for introducing yourself. Although before I forget to ask - is this the right etiquette? I am supposed to respond back on your blog or mine or use email? Seriously, I only discovered the world of blogs at Halloween so I totally need a book or something.

So if it is bad form for me to respond here I apologize in advance and please set me straight. I will make this quick because it is getting late and I still have to clean the kitchen.
1)We signed with our oldest because I have a friend who is a professional signer for the deaf and she led the way and we (the other moms in our mommy group) followed. We love Signing Times videos as they teach sign language and are also safe and educational videos for the girls to watch which show them all kinds of children with differing abilities.
2) We love Thomas although the show has fallen aside for now as the oldest has hit the princess phase. As of yesterday she tried to kiss me with her head at an angle because of all the princess movies she has been watching and we are now going into princess lockdown. Down with princess movies and up with Thomas! Sweet, sweet Thomas. (Although the actual trains have always remained huge in our house with both girls).
3) There is other stuff to say but I have to go clean dishes now. I saw the reference to Pioneer Woman - she is fabulous. THAT mom is totally sitting on an empire!
4) okay okay I am going I swear - I joined (or at least I think I did because then the internet blinked on and off) the unplugged ring. I'm in and it sounds great!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

OH they are just so cute cute cute!

BTW - I got my book in the mail and it made my day, which I really needed today. CAn't wait to start it - I read the opening and it just speaks to my heart.

Thank you girl! Happy to be simplifing along with you!