Honestly, I was too ashamed to take a before picture of my desk. Last September I organized my desk, but within the year it pretty much had gotten back to unorganized. So, we'll just say that if you want to see the before picture for this year, you'll have to click the link and imagine it one year later. YIKES! :(
BUT... here's the after:

First, let me explain the decor: We put the oldest boys in the same room recently and decided to move the "office" into Will's old room. So now, I have Thomas the Train to keep me company. :)
And here's a little more of a closer look into what I did to organize my desk...

More space was also created because I have quit my SLAH business. I replaced old catalogs and business supplies with a white basket to hold our monthly file folders. They are legal sized and don't fit in a standard filing cabinet, so this basket works out great and they are right at my fingertips if I need them:

In the decluttering of the old SLAH supplies, I found a bunch of top loading plastic envelopes. I've put a few of these to use in holding my rebate receipts, my "to try" recipes, and information about our next vacation. I've also got my 3-ring binder for the 100 Days to Christmas set up! I found a 2009 Family Planning Calendar for 75% off and will be getting that started soon. It's on my desk as a reminder to get it done. Can you believe that 2009 is just around the corner?! Agh!

After all the organizing, I ended up with an open shelf! Wow! This is great for when something else needs a home on my desk... which will most likely happen. But this empty shelf really gives me hope that I can keep up with the organization this time. It's not just cleaned out, it's organized... and there's a big difference between the two!

As always, a big thanks to OrgJunkie for hosting!
Next month is the craft area!! Watch out stickers, markers, papers, and brushes... here I come! LOL!