Here it is in all it's glory: EXCELLENT!

Now, with this award comes a certain responsibility; I must pass this award onto 10 other blogs that I think are EXCELLENT! Wow, 10! That's a lot. Do I check out enough blogs to award 10? Let's see...
In no particular order, of course...
1. Happy at Home- Laurel is simplifying her life and loving it! She and I are real-life friends and apparently living parallel lives.
2. Take90West
Lisa is HILARIOUS! I mean, really... how does she pull of talking about Turkey Testicles?
3. NotBefore7
Mary seems to be a kindred soul of mine. I "heart" Mary. She's a great blogger with three kids. We talk antibiotics, the bible, and other kinds of adult conversation. I have really enjoyed getting to know her and including my Tiny Talkers on her weekly carnival.
4. UnplugYourKids
Mom Unplugged has a really "current" blog. What I mean by that is, she's always got something going on over there for a great conversation or read: today it's a Target ad, but it's been lead toys, book and toy recommendations, charitable children, lots of interesting things. I feel like a real person when I'm at her blog, not just a mom. Oh, and of course she's been helpful with the whole unplugging my kids thing, too, with her Unplugged Projects.
5. Money Saving Mom
I'm just getting started in my quest to be more frugal, but if you are interested in saving some money... head over to this blog right now! I can't tell you how informative her blog is on saving! She's got a CVS 101 post, too, in case you're like me as I didn't have a clue how to "play the game". I visit her blog daily, well, I suppose it's more lurking than visiting! :)
6. Crunchy Chicken
Environmental junkie? Well, proabably. I love this blog because it's not your normal "be kind to the environment". She comes up with some crazy challenges and has fun while doing it! Personally, I've taken the Diva Cup Challenge and was surprised to have made the switch! I am currently participating in the Freeze Yer Buns challenge. If you head over there, don't bother telling her I sent you... she'll have no idea who I am as I just lurk about over there, too...
7. OrgJunkie
I lurk here, too, except on (most) Mondays when I participate in her Meal Plan Monday. I'm also getting ready for her Monthly Organizing Round-up... I hope to be an ACTIVE participant in that (as does Jeff, I am sure!).
8. Keeper of the Home
A blog new to me and I just introduced myself to her this past week. (At least I'm not lurking EVERYWHERE). Very interesting posts about what you would expect... keeping the home: saving money, feeding babies, being a mom, cooking, etc. A great place to pop in for some positiveness. (I guess that's a word as spell check didn't yell at me...)
9. Redefining Sanity
Oh, Lulu... Lulu is another real-life friend. I must say one of the best friends I will ever have. She tolerates me well. :) Lulu is a mother of three and she is wise beyond her years. She is one of the most intelligent people I know. This girl has got some brains! She is so down to earth though. She writes just like she speaks. She's new to personal blogging, so head over and check her out. You can tell her that I sent you, because she'll know who I am... oh, will she ever know! :)
10. Cooking for Mara
I really like this blog because it has been so helpful for me in our dairy-free journey. She deals with more allergens than I do, but does it with such a loving heart and makes it sound so easy. For some healthy cooking ideas or more on dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free living, head on over.
Obviously a portion of these 10 bloggers have no idea that I exist, but I think they are EXCELLENT! Those that do know me, well, I think they are REALLY EXCELLENT because they deal with me and my randomness.
Some of you have already received this award - so be it. If you feel the need to nominate 10 more bloggers, go ahead. If not, just know that I think you're EXCELLENT!
If you haven't received this award before, well, good! I'm the first to tell you how EXCELLENT you are! Go tell the world about your top 10 EXCELLENT blogs.
Go! Spread the word!
(and so am I! LOL!)
(and so am I! LOL!)
I have two sons and a hubby (and honestly, my daughters would love this, too). My sons are all boy, and they have huge hearts. They love to be needed, work hard, and give to people. They have an amazing dad, too.
I'd love to win this for them.
Thanks for the chance to win! :)